Tag Archives: new york

Life through a lens


Since I’ve been on a blogging hiatus, the best way to catch y’all up on what’s been going on is with pictures…four weeks worth of pictures [mostly in instagram] to be exact.

“Pictures tell a story that words can’t always express.”

Week One:

  • Discovered a new restaurant in NYC – Brother Jimmy’s BBQ. Everything about it reminded me of the south from the food, paraphernalia and music. I LOVED this place.

It doesn’t get much better than that! I recommend the pulled chicken. delish.

  • Volunteered for a service project with work where we painted the cafeteria of the NYC Lab School with Publicolor.

I’m in the blue shirt cutting away at the corners. The cafeteria ended up being 3 different colors.

  • Spent an afternoon shopping and eating at a street fair in Chelsea. [not pictured, the earrings, necklace and kettle corn I bought.]

Fresh Thai Food! Makes me wish I was abroad.

Fried Oreos! AMAZING 🙂

Flowers for sale. Makes me wish I had a balcony filled with pots of flowers!

  • Walked around Union Square Park and East Village.


Occupy Wall Street has become Occupy Union Square.

  • Ate at Crepes on Columbus. #bestCREPES

Dark Chocolate, Strawberry and Banana Crepe. It doesn’t get more decadent than that.

Week Two:

  •  Celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Margaritas at Caliente Cab.

Pricey but, potent. One of the best marg spots I’ve been to in the city.

  • Went to a Johnnie Walker tasting. [too bad I don’t like whiskey.]

Black Label backdrop – andy warhol style.

  • Walked around Herald Square and Times Square like a total tourist.

T-Rex in Toys-r-Us. Most ridiculous store ever.

Week Three:

  • Bought myself a planner, like a high schooler. Only 5 months into the new year, but better late than never.

  • Bought three shirts and a blazer (not pictured) at H&M

  • Made a surprise visit home to Houston for Mother’s Day!

  • Snuggled with my little pig, Sophie!

Isn’t she the cutest? It’s always so hard to leave that face.

Week Four:

  • Registered for the Houston Marathon on January 13, 2013.

  • Walked around Union Square Park and saw the Occupy Protesters as well as part of a San Simone Parade.


Some of the dancers from the Parade.

  • Accidentally stumbled upon a Ukrainian Festival in East Village.

Love the Nesting Dolls! The top left one is exactly like one that my parents have!

  • Went to the Central Park Zoo and walked through the Gardens!

One of the three Sea Lions!

Central Park Gardens.

Also during this time, I saw The Avengers, The Five Year Engagement, found a new apartment, had a work event that included good food, drinks and karaoke and did a burger/craft beer outing with iadventures for burger month!

Hopefully now you are all caught up on my life as of late.

Thats the way we get by


As of late, my job has becoming extremely boring and tedious. I don’t have enough work to do during the day, so I resort to spending my day on Pinterest, writing emails to my family and friends and planning vacations I would like to take that I currently cannot afford, which is no fun. These are some things I also look at to pass the time.

The first two pictures are post-it notes that I have taped to my desk.

My mom sent this verse to me back in October when one of my co-workers was belittling me and being rude. I taped it to my desk as a constant reminder that what that person said or did honestly did not matter because God is on my side.  I need to read this verse on a daily basis as I feel like God is testing me daily at this job. I’m having to relearn to be patient and humble. I should have James 1:19 taped to my desk as well –  “My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,”  – but I don’t. Luckily I know how to stay relatively calm and I’m good at being slow to speak. My mom sending me this verse proves that mom always knows best.

This verse was the main verse for one of my daily devotionals from a few weeks ago. After reading it, I immediately taped it to my desk.  This verse is one of a few verses recited after the Shema which Jews recite every morning and evening. As the devotional explained, the Shema is a confession of faith and acts as a pledge of allegiance for Judaism. I think this verse should not only be a Jewish pledge of allegiance, but a Christian one as well as we need to reaffirm our love and devotion to God.

Every once in a while, I’m lucky enough to have a gorgeous view when I look out my window, like the sunset pictured above. Our office has an ‘open concept’ where the desks are lined up in rows and you have no quiet space or really even a space of your own, besides your desk. Sometimes when it’s nice outside, I enjoy getting lost looking out the window at Central Park. I can do that for hours. When the weather is really nice, I can see tiny people playing in the park and it makes me long to be outside. Being so close to Central Park is such a tease.

Considering I was super excited about having an office job after 3 years of teaching, I must admit that I find being in an office extremely boring. How can people enjoy sitting at a desk for hours on end doing nothing?? I guess I’d rather be on my feet all day then sit at a desk like a lump on a log. Oh the things we learn…

New Year, New Attitude, New Blog


After much deliberation, I have decided to start a new blog to chronicle my life, thoughts and feelings. Many have asked me why I stopped blogging after my summer in Israel and the answer is simple: that blog was specifically created for that trip. Hopefully this blog will satisfy the needs of those curious about the life of Julie Brooke. Also, this should offer as much excitement and randomness as its predecessor and no, this isn’t a DIY blog even though I am addicted to pinterest. As much as I wish this could be, the reality is I don’t have enough time to make projects and cook non-stop and then blog about it. But trust me, if I  eat or make something amazing, you’ll know!

As far as the new attitude goes, I’m convinced that since moving to New York almost 6 months ago, that I have become somewhat of a pessimist. It must go along with the territory. A vast majority of people up here are debbie-downers and complainers…hardcore complainers. Everything is a complaint…it’s too hot, too cold, there’s too many people on the subway, too many tourists in the streets, etc…you get the picture!  So, with the new year, I am determined to be that neverending optimist again! Time flies too quickly to always be complaining.

So, here’s my toast for 2012: May this year challenge me mentally and physically, teach me humility, the true meaning of grace and help me grow spiritually, so Happy New Year! Bring it on 2012.