Tag Archives: friends

Day 3: DIY Wrap Bracelet and Sangria


Not only is it the weekend, but it is day 3 of the Pinterest project!! Since on Saturdays I get to sleep in and pretty much do what I want, I decided to be both crafty and try out a new recipe for a get together tonight. After finally waking up at 9am, doing laundry and then spending almost 2 hours reading the first book in the Hunger Games series (which I just started last night and am already addicted to) I decided to venture outside to Michael’s to get supplies for my next few crafts. I purchased beads for bracelets, different colored hemp strings, two canvases and a package of hot glue gun sticks.

DIY wrap bracelet – I was super excited about making this because I love the Chan Luu bracelets, but I can’t being myself to spend over $200 on one, although I actually almost purchased one on Gilt for $98 the other day, but at the last minute I didn’t (my mom should be proud of me!). I must admit, that making this bracelet was definitely not as easy I had anticipated, but that is probably because of the type of string that I used. When I was at Michael’s I had a hard time finding what I wanted and the store was so crowded, that finding a sales associate was impossible. The original website where this pin came from (‘Henry Happened’) said to use ribbon, and not the gift wrapping kind. The ribbon they were referring to is that satiny cord-like ribbon that you often see used in bracelets and necklaces. Unfortunately I searched the entire store and could not find it and string made of hemp was the closest thing that the store had. The hemp was much thinner than the ribbon I wanted to use, so the process was much more tedious.


Cut the ribbon or string into three equal lengths, about 24-28 inches long. The more times you would like to wrap the bracelet around your wrist, the longer the ribbon needs to me. Start by braiding about 6 inches of ribbon and then secure the end with a rubber band. To keep my hemp strings in place, I taped the end pieces down to the table so I could braid them more easily.

Start braiding the beads into the bracelet my feeding one bead into the middle strand and tightly braiding the other two pieces around. This is where using hemp created a problem for me – the strands were so thing that I was having to hold the bead in place while trying to secure the hemp around it. Continue feeding beads onto the middle strand until you run out or get to the desired length. I used 27 beads total – 21 small beads and 6 larger beads. I made a pattern with my beads alternating 7 small then 3 larger beads. Once finished, braid another 6 inch section. Tie a knot at each end of your bracelet and you’re done!

The other portion of today’s Pinterest project consisted of me making Sangria for tonight’s get together with some friends. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a glass of cold, refreshing Sangria!

Sangria – This was actually one of the first recipes that I repined on Pinterest and was originally posted on the blog ‘Yellow song bird.’ I love Sangria, especially red Sangria, but that’s because I grew up in a family of red wine drinkers. This recipe looked amazing because of the fresh strawberries and oranges that were added, plus it was really easy to make!


  • 1 bottle red wine*, chilled
  • lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 cup sugar ((or less..to taste))
  • 1/2 lemon, sliced
  • 1/2 lime, sliced
  • 1 small orange, sliced
  • 1/2 cup strawberries, cut in half
  • 10 oz. club soda


Pour the bottle of wine into a large pitcher or bowl. I used wine from Whole Foods because I didn’t want to head downtown to the Trader Joe’s wine shop. What I used though is literally the Whole Food’s version of two buck chuck from Trader Joe’s and it is a steal at only $2.99 a bottle. Also, I used Merlot, but you could really use any red wine as long as it’s a little fruity and not too dry.

Stir in the orange juice, sugar and a few tablespoons of lemon juice. Slice the lemon, lime and orange, put the fruit in the pitcher and stir. Let the Sangria chill for a few hours or overnight in the fridge. Before serving, add the club soda and strawberries.

 Pour, serve and DRINK! The Sangria tasted amazing…not too sweet, not too sour, but just right! As a tip, make sure the club soda is cold before you pour it into the Sangria because otherwise it will change the temperature of the Sangria and it’s better the colder it is. Also, eating the oranges and strawberries at the end is a must! This is a perfect drink for a night with friends or a summer afternoon!

How to stay young


A few days ago, my mom sent me a link to a daily devotional called ‘Girlfriends in God.’ After reading one of the past devotionals, I decided to subscribe to it and I loved what todays said. It was about living each day abundantly and to our fullest potential. In other words, cherish your friends and family and stop putting things off! The best part of the devotional was a list of 18 things that you should do to help stay young. Some of them are no-brainers and some of them are a little tricky to do on a regular basis, but here goes.

How to Stay Young

1. Throw out non-essential numbers such as your age, weight and height.

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. If you really need a grouch, there are probably family members to fill that need.

3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Just never let the brain idle.

4. Enjoy the simple things. When the children are young, that is all you can afford. When they are in college that is all you can afford. When they are grown, and you are on retirement, that is all you can afford.

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath. Laugh so much that you can be tracked in the store by your distinctive laughter.

6. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person that is with us our entire life is ourselves.

7. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies or whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health. If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don’t take guilt trips. Go to the mall, the next county, a foreign country – but not guilt.

10. Tell the people you love how much you love them every chance you get. Never assume they know.

11. Don’t worry about things you cannot change or do anything about. Accept them and move on.

12. Read more and dust less.

13. Spend more time with your family and friends and less time working.

14. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. Recognize these moments now and cherish them.

15. Do not “save” anything. Use your good china and crystal for every special event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the next blossom of flowers you see.

16. Wear your best outfit to the market.

17. Don’t save your good perfume for only special occasions. Use it even if you are going shopping or just to the bank.

18. “Someday” and “one of these days” should vanish from your vocabulary. If it is worth seeing or hearing or doing, go and see or hear or do it now.

What are you? Are you living each day to the fullest?

My new goal is to follow this list – especially numbers 5, 7, 11 and 13. Number 13 should be at the top of everyone’s list! Even at 26, there are things I do on this list on a regular basis that I shouldn’t do. So, here’s to staying forever young.