Tag Archives: crayon art

Day 23: Crayon Watercolor Art


Since today was my last lazy day before starting my new job tomorrow, I took full advantage of it. Like yesterday, I slept in again and it was glorious. It’s always comforting being in my warm bed when it’s 30 degrees outside! After I finally got out of bed, I made myself a breakfast of champions: fried eggs with turkey bacon. It was as delicious as it looks!

I finally got my day started when I left to run errands at 12:30. Although I do enjoy the occasional day when I do nothing, it was too nice and sunny outside to sit indoors all day. This first thing I did was head down to Brooklyn to pick up some canvases and watercolors. A friend told me about an art store off the L train line that has really inexpensive canvases, which they do. I definitely got my money’s worth out of my new canvases and I can’t wait to use them! The watercolors were used for today’s Pinterest Project.

Then, I used up a Groupon that I had for a mani-pedi and reflexology massage! It was so relaxing and exactly what I needed before starting a new job. Plus, I loved the colors I picked for my toes and fingers. My toes are like a red poppy color and my fingers are more like a coral color. I’m ready for summer if you can’t tell 🙂

I finally made it home around 5pm and relaxed until I decided to make Day 23’s Pinterest Project. Today’s project was crayon watercolor art and it was super easy! This was originally pinned on Pinterest from Alisa Burke’s blog, who is an artist/photographer and she is always coming up with these really creative ideas. What I made today was on her ‘creativity with crayons’ post.


  • watercolor paper
  • crayons
  • watercolors


Using a white crayon, draw a picture or write a quote on your watercolor paper. The crayon creates a resist for the watercolor.

Paint over the entire paper with watercolors and your art comes to life!

This was the first one I did and I realized after I started that I didn’t add enough water to my paint, so the top part of my picture was a little too dark, but overall you get the idea. After this one I decided to make another picture. Instead of using white crayons this time though, I decided to use colored crayons and you can see the difference in my pictures.

This one turned out much, much better! I finally got the hang out it and I decided to do a more organic paint job and not paint the entire page.

Here’s another angle. I’m definitely going to frame this and hang it up!

Day 14: Crayon Art


It’s Day 14 of the Pinterest Project and I am finally making a crayon art masterpiece! Ever since first seeing these on Pinterest I have wanted to try one. They look like so much fun to make and for the most party, they turn out looking amazing. Fingers crossed that mine does too!


  • Canvas
  • Crayons, an assortment of colors
  • hot glue gun with plenty of glue sticks
  • blow dryer


Before you do anything, you need to figure out what you want your crayon art to look like. Next, gather all of your materials (see the list above).

Pick out the colors of your choice and lay them out on your canvas. Glue each crayon down individually. [I painted a picture on the bottom of my canvas so I didn’t just have a canvas full of melted crayons!]

Tilt the canvas for more controlled dripping. Blast the hair dryer onto the crayons until they start melting. Let them bleed as much as you like and then you’re done!

*Note – put down newspaper before you turn on the blow dryer. The crayons will splatter!

My finished Masterpiece – A couple dancing!

Creating this was a lot of fun, but a lot of work at the end. You have to put your hairdryer on a high setting so that crayons will melt. The low setting doesn’t really do anything. If you’re like me and you want to have a picture with your crayon art then be extra careful about the melted crayons and their dripping patterns because they can get a little out of control! Good luck on your own masterpiece 🙂